January 2017 Partner Spotlight of the Month: Integral Group!
The Urban Land Conservancy (ULC) celebrates the achievements of its partnerships that create and preserve nonprofit facilities and affordable housing for communities in metro Denver. ULC’s Monthly Partner Spotlight is awarded to partners who demonstrate the value of collaboration, furthering our mission to improve the lives of Metro Denver residents through our real estate investments and community assets.
Congratulations to our January 2017 Partner Spotlight of the Month: Integral Group Inc.
Based out of Atlanta, Georgia and with offices across the U.S., Integral Group Inc. recently formalized a partnership with ULC as our new development partner for the $90 million ArtWay North at Park Hill Village West, a mixed use transit oriented development in Northeast Denver. The 6.7-acre site, which is set to include 350 mixed income residential units, and approximately 60,000 square feet of commercial space, is expected to break ground at the end of 2017. ULC is thrilled to be working with a company that highlights community development as one of its key pillars.
What started as a local real estate company in Atlanta in 1993, Integral has now invested over $2 billion in more than 50 developments across 16 cities. Integral focuses primarily on commercial real estate, investment management and community development. As Integral continues to see positive growth each year, the company remains dedicated to their mission of investing in socially responsible real estate projects.
As a pioneer and leader in the paradigm shift to mixed-use, mixed-income community development, Integral is committed to remaining at the leading edge of innovative techniques on completing healthy, thriving developments. Furthermore, Integral has extensive, relevant project experience and has served as Program Manager, Developer and/or Development Consultant on over 55 mixed-income real estate transactions. Integral has successfully partnered with over 15 cities, 12 housing authorities, redevelopment agencies, and other public and private entities to close these transactions. These partnerships have resulted in Integral completing or currently completing over sixteen 16 multi-phase, master planned, mixed-income, mixed-use and mixed-financed in partnership with public agencies.
As Denver’s new A-Line transit stations have begun to produce large-scale development, the vision behind Mayor Hancock’s 23-mile Corridor of Opportunity has quickly started to take root. Both ULC and Integral are prepared to continue fostering this sustainable growth, with their recent partnership marking a significant milestone in the quest for affordable and workforce housing in metro Denver.
“Our partnership with ULC has been a great source of passion and pride for Integral as we work together to continue the work of revitalizing the city of Denver,” said Vicki Lundy Wilbon, the President of Integral Community Development. “We look forward to continuing our work together – helping the residents of Denver live a life where they can thrive in their community.”
In addition to their extensive experience developing mixed-income, affordable and work force housing developments, Integral creates people-centered community transformations – not simply transactions. This unique vision was first put on display in Atlanta through Integral’s work as manager of the joint venture that partnered with the Atlanta Housing Authority to plan and implement the revitalization of the site of the nation’s first public housing project. The result was a 60-acre comprehensive revitalization and the nation’s first “holistic” HOPE VI community revitalization, known today as Centennial Place. Integral’s experience with these types of transactions has evolved from HOPE VI developments to today’s Choice Neighborhoods and beyond to other non-federally sponsored redevelopment efforts. This journey has allowed Integral to guide, lead and assist in planning and implementing mixed-income housing developments supported by strong infrastructures.
ULC’s Vice President of Master Site Development, Tony Pickett, has worked to ensure that Transit Oriented Developments (TOD) make a prominent appearance along Denver’s A-line, which opened in April of 2016. Pickett believes that ULC’s recent partnership with Integral is particularly noteworthy given that its basis in equitable TOD will result in realizing community benefit at three separate rail stations along the A-line. This includes Integral’s $30 million Ashley Union Station affordable apartments, ULC’s Blake Station multi-phase development currently in the planning stages and the future ArtWay North at the 40th and Colorado Station.
“ULC has been working extensively with community for 4 years to determine the best options for equitable development at this site. Partnering with Integral to see ArtWay North become a reality will be a direct result of Northeast Park Hill’s community vision,” Pickett said. “Our collective success clearly demonstrates the value of assuming control of land early and using ULC’s unique hybrid Land Bank/Community Land Trust model, which ensures lasting social equity and economic opportunity for future generations.”
In addition to partnering for the development of ArtWay North, ULC recently retained Integral’s property management services for our residential portfolio which includes 3 properties and 152 units in Denver and Lakewood. While the transition began in December 2016, Integral is now fully managing these affordable rental properties which include the Dahlia Apartments in northeast Park Hill, Villas at Wadsworth Station in Lakewood, and the Santa Fe 10 apartments in Denver’s Santa Fe Arts District.
We are excited to highlight the success of Integral nationally, and look forward to sharing many local successes as development commences on a new transit oriented community at ArtWay North! To learn more about the Integral Group please visit: http://www.integralgroup.com